Chapter 3 - Personal Space / Page 14

the first comic the comic before this one the next comic the current comic

(maritza says) Page 14: Involuntary reflex.

Some people just want to watch the whole world burn.

As promised, we reached $5K, and so I posted the cover for Chapter 3. Lookin' sexay! ;)

Well, we’re beyond $7000 now! We only need $2628 to go. Closing in! Keep it coming!

I want to thank you all for your wonderful support. We’re reaching our goal super fast! It's happening! I'm still pinching myself.

When we get to 8K, I’ll post some concept art. In the meantime, if you haven’t got your limited edition hardcover and you want one, you better hurry, because we have ONLY 30 LEFT!!

(maritza says) Welcome!

This is Power Nap, our online graphic novel. It's a science fiction story heavily oriented towards action and humor.

Remember! You can follow the updates using the rss, or follow me on Twitter. I always announce updates and news on twitter, and my username is @maritzac if you want to see the announcements as the comic updates. In addition, you're welcome to join the Power Nap fan page in Facebook


El Bulbo by Bachan

CRFH by Maritza Campos