Chapter 7 - Brain wave / Page 12

the first comic the comic before this one the next comic the current comic

(maritza says) Page 12: Sad turnip

She's definitely doing you a favor there, Drew.

Hey guys! If you helped us out buying books during the indiegogo, we had an important announcement last week regarding shipping! If you have not read that message, check your spam bin or something.

Long story short, shipping rates changed overnight so we're going to have to raise the price of the books accordingly. It seems we won't be able to work with a flat rate anymore. :/ Anyway, I will be uploading the shop again soon!

If you're supporting us on Patreon, I will be uploading a video of how today's comic was made. It's mesmerizing!!

(maritza says) Welcome!

This is Power Nap, our online graphic novel. It's a science fiction story heavily oriented towards action and humor.

Remember! You can follow the updates using the rss, or follow me on Twitter. I always announce updates and news on twitter, and my username is @maritzac if you want to see the announcements as the comic updates. In addition, you're welcome to join the Power Nap fan page in Facebook


El Bulbo by Bachan

CRFH by Maritza Campos